Ultrasound Breast Implant Screening
The top priority for any woman who’s had breast augmentation is maintaining her results and making sure her implants are in good shape. We are one of the few cosmetic practices in Northern California to offer High Resolution Ultrasound (HRUS) breast implant screening.
If your implants are ten years old or older, you may benefit from implant screening. We offer ultrasound screening for breast implants to all of our patients, as well as all women who have had breast augmentation. This advanced technology can help to detect tears, ruptures and other problems with implants earlier than self-exam alone.
The Technology of High Resolution Ultrasound
The FDA currently recommends an MRI 5 years after breast implant placement and every 2 to 3 years thereafter, but this is rarely done by patients who don’t want the cost or hassle that comes with scheduling and having an MRI. High Resolution Ultrasound, however, is an easy, safe, and effective method of breast implant surveillance.
Plastic surgeons globally believe that HRUS will soon replace MRI scans as the recommended way to perform routine breast implant screening. We are excited to offer to our patients complementary HRUS for evaluation of breast implants here at The Natural Result / Center for Aesthetic Artistry.
HRUS scans are performed right in our office. The device is completely non-invasive and the scan can be completed in a matter of minutes. After the scan, an image of each breast implant is available for review. All of the scans we perform are evaluated by a plastic surgeon and you will have an opportunity to discuss the findings with them during your visit.
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After Your HRUS Visit
Based on the results of your imaging, you may want to take additional steps to ensure the integrity and health of your breast implants.
- For many women, the scan will show the implants are in good shape and no further action is required, except continued periodic monitoring.
- If the scan shows a potential issue with the implant or surrounding tissue, additional testing will be recommended. This may involve an MRI or mammogram.
- If an issue with one or both of your breast implants is confirmed, we will recommend breast implant revision, either through replacing the implants with new models (implant exchange) or removing them without replacement.
Meet Our Doctors
Our surgeons are dedicated to creating beautiful, natural results so you can look and feel your very best.
Telephone No.916-983-9895