Knowing what to expect after your liposuction procedure can help you to better prepare. While recovery can vary from person to person, you can expect to follow this general liposuction recovery timeline as you heal.
The First Week After Liposuction
Most people plan to take around seven to ten days off work to rest and recuperate after their liposuction procedure. During this time, you can expect bruising, swelling and tenderness and will be instructed to wear a special compression garment to help you feel more comfortable and to reduce swelling.
Plan to take it easy for the first week after liposuction, limiting physical activity and closely following your plastic surgeon’s guidelines.
Don’t focus too much on the number on the scale just yet. Your final results should continue to develop over the coming months.
Weeks Two and Three
Swelling and discomfort should begin to gradually subside around this time, and you should be able to start getting back to your normal routine. You’ll still want to avoid strenuous physical activity, and it is encouraged that you check in with your plastic surgeon before adding any exercise into your routine.
One Month and Beyond
By week four of your liposuction recovery timeline, you should be able to resume your normal activities. However, your plastic surgeon will likely recommend that you continue wearing your compression garment until week six.
Around this time, you should start to see your final liposuction results developing. Keep in mind, however, that it can take three months or more for residual swelling to diminish completely.