People who have achieved extreme weight loss are often unprepared for the reality they’ll face once the extra pounds are gone. If you’ve worked hard to fight your way out of obesity, it can be very frustrating when heavy folds of sagging skin stick around as a reminder of your former self. Here are a few of the most effective upper body contouring surgeries designed to help you enjoy your weight loss success and finally feel comfortable in your own skin.
Arm Lift
The arms often suffer from excess skin after weight loss because of the body’s tendency to store extra fat deposits in the arms, particularly above the elbow. These skin folds are not only unattractive but can cause great discomfort as they chafe against each other and the skin on the torso. When those skin folds are removed through an arm lift, the painful chafing is eliminated, and the arms are left with a sleeker, smoother shape that accentuates your thinner figure.
Breast Lift
Because the breasts often store excess amounts of fat when a woman becomes overweight, dramatic weight loss usually leaves the breasts with a stretched-out, elongated appearance. This can leave women very self-conscious about their bodies despite their smaller figure. For these women, a breast lift will eliminate excess skin and lift the breasts back up to a more natural and flattering position.
Breast Lift with Implants
While a breast lift will correct the positioning of the breasts, a lift alone will not affect volume or fullness. Women often incorporate implants with their breast lift after weight loss to restore the loss of volume and firmness that often occurs as a casualty of shedding significant amounts of body fat.